2023 Impact Report

2023 Impact Report

To Our Valued Supporters,

Words cannot express my appreciation for the outpouring of support you have shown. 2023 was a year of remarkable (and somewhat unbelievable) growth. As you will see from the information within, Infinite Strength made a giant leap in funds received and grants given. We helped more women than ever before and gave each grantee support that went far beyond the financial. We connected those we serve to resources necessary to continue treatment and ultimately improved their quality of life. When I started Infinite Strength in 2018 my dream was to serve women in New Haven County. Eventually, that dream grew to help women across the state of Connecticut. And each time we met a goal, I realized there was more to do. We did not need the big office or the big staff, which equates to big overhead. We just needed to keep our focus on those we served and continue to listen to what they needed.

While growing to national proportions was never anything I dared to entertain in those first few years, it is something I now see was inevitable. You cannot do this work, hear the fear and desperation in these women’s voices, learn of the struggles they face, and meet their precious children, without being compelled to do more. Some might think we have reached the final goal by becoming national, but in truth, we have only just scratched the surface. As we prepare to close out this year, here is a look back at all we accomplished as well as a glimpse into the new year ahead. I think you will agree that we have only just begun!
