Scalp Cooling, The Importance Of Access

Insurance coverage for scalp cooling is not standard in the United States, therefore many patients, especially those in the underrepresented communities, do not have access. We at Infinite Strength have long felt that retaining one’s hair while undergoing cancer treatment is a matter of preserving dignity, and something that everyone should have access to regardless of race or socioeconomic background.

In 2019 we met with Congresswoman Rosa DeLauro on the subject of Scalp Cooling and the importance of increasing access for all patients. In April of 2022, Congresswoman DeLauro introduced the bill and it is expected to be voted on this year. This legislation would require all health insurers to provide coverage for scalp cooling treatments for chemotherapy patients.


“It’s a privacy issue. Women have said to me, “Looking at me you couldn’t tell I had breast cancer. But the minute my hair fell out, it became this public acknowledgement. This public announcement. That I am a cancer patient.”
— Angela Khairallah, MSW, LCSW


Infinite Strength Annual Gala 2023


Five Years & Counting